Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Blog Social networking

Blog can be used in military. In the article "Pentagon Keeps Wary Watch as Troops Blog"
by James Dao, mentions that blog can make more people knows about the cruelty of war. According to the article, "at the highest echelons of the Pentagon, civilian officials and four-star generals are newly hailing the power of social networking to make members of the American military more empathetic, entice recruits and shape public opinion on the war." In this article, blog can use in many ways to make a better military and a better country.

Additionally, blog can help us to create a better society. In the article, "Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid" by Michael Wilson, in his article stating that blog can use in our neighborhood to safeguard our friends and family, and also it can helps to convict the suspect because everyone of us could be a witness of the incident. According to the article, "blog seemed to know, sometimes chronicling daily activities in detail,... one woman wrote last year, 'and one was trying to steal a ladder while I guess another which I could not tell was male or female, who may have lived their claimed ownership to the ladder and they begin to fight.'" We can make a better society by using blog.

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